Dominica Citizenship by Investment
Through the Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa

Efficient Processing
3–5 Months
Visa-Free Travel
130+ countries
$200,000 Investment
Freely resaleable after 5 years
Citizenship for Life
and for future generations
Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa, developed by Vital Developers Limited, is a Government-approved Real Estate Project under the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program.
Successful applicants invest $200,000 in One (1) Preferred Share in the Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa and are naturalized as citizens of Dominica.
Your investment in Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa is guaranteed to render lifelong benefits.

The Sanctuary Investment Opportunity
The investor and his/her family qualify to apply for Dominican citizenship by investing $200,000 in One (1) Preferred Share in Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa, with the ability to earn dividend income annually once the Resort is operational.
The Sanctuary – Climate Resilient Structures
The purchase of a Preferred Share in Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa Inc., besides being a safe investment is also a contribution to modern climate resilient infrastructure in Dominica. The Resort is structurally designed to withstand earthquakes and Category 5 hurricane force winds.
The Sanctuary Preferred Shareholder Privilege
An Investor with a companion from his family will be entitled to free accommodation and use of the Resort facilities annually for 7 days during high season or 14 days during low season, subject to availability.
The Sanctuary Exit Strategy
An Investor will retain citizenship of Dominica and may freely resell Preferred Share after 5 years to a new investor who will thereby become eligible to apply for Dominican Citizenship under the program.
…A sound investment guaranteeing benefits for life; backed by a straightforward and safe, Government sanctioned investment strategy.
Investing in Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa
Simple Steps to Dominican Citizenship

Are You Eligible to Apply for Dominica Citizenship?
Eligibility rules for applying, particularly where families are concerned, are a very attractive feature of the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program.
Dominica has an inclusive approach that allows any individual 18 years and over to apply as;
a Single Applicant;
a Main Applicant, with spouse (if married), dependent children of up to 30 years old, and dependent parents and grandparents over 55 years old of both the Main Applicant and Spouse.
Secondly, Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program is non-discriminatory with regard to nationality, gender or religion, and assesses applicants on a case by case basis instead of giving an outright denial by prohibiting individuals of certain nationalities from applying.

Dominica Citizenship and Compliance
Due diligence is a core element of the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program.
It entails providing information on personal details, educational, financial and professional background, medical history, details of parents and criminal history.
The need for this information in an accurate, credible manner explains the program’s document requirements such as birth certificate, police record or clearance certificate, university or college diploma, letter of employment, CV, medical tests, bank statements, and completed application forms, among others.
An analysis into the background of each applicant 16 years and older is conducted by internationally recognized private investigative agencies.
These due diligence procedures are necessary since the admission of unlawful individuals could undermine the program's legitimacy, as well as be a threat to security.

About Dominica Citizenship by Investment – What It Means
Citizenship by Investment was introduced in Dominica in the early 90’s as a means of enabling the country to diversify its economy.
Implemented for a worthy cause, investors can be proud of their contribution in helping Dominica to achieve this goal.
Over the years, the country has made significant strides in developing its tourism, manufacturing and business sectors. The construction of hotels, resorts and housing developments have led to the creation of jobs and business opportunities for various service sectors and the local market.
Currently, the need for climate resilient infrastructural development continues to be a pressing issue for the country’s sustainable growth.
By acquiring a Preferred Share in Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa, developed by Vital Developers Limited, you contribute to the development of Dominica's climate resilient infrastructure and eco tourism sector.
Citizenship by investment has aroused discussion in various fora, as migrants generally tend to leverage citizenship for strategic ends, gaining rights internally within the country in which second citizenship has been acquired, as well as externally, as they gain more access to third countries.
Therein lies the importance of balancing and managing the two sides of the CBI coin; ie; the critical role of a comprehensive due diligence system and the visa-free travel advantage of second citizenship, as individuals continue to seek opportunities overseas, in business, retirement, and wealth distribution.
This, the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program has successfully executed, by putting the right systems in place to safeguard security and the program's legitimacy, while making it possible for successful candidates enjoy visa-free movement on a scale that they would otherwise have not been able to.
Dominica's program has been ranked No. 1 overall by various wealth and investment organizations with regard to time to citizenship, financial contribution, standard of living, residence requirements and degree of formality, which are the pillars used to gauge the program's quality on a global scale.